Ice cream is something you can find in any country, unlike specific foods that can only be enjoyed in certain regions. Making ice cream is simple and something that can be done easily at home, but nowadays has been commercialized and filled with so many additives and artificial flavors that we don’t even know what proper ice cream tastes like anymore.
As a mother of four, I have a responsibility to leave behind a world in which the next generation can live and enjoy the way we have been lucky enough to. After moving to Monterey and deciding to start Monterey Bay Food Tours, I have tried to incorporate partners who share this vision, are environmentally conscious, and want to preserve the beauty the Central Coast has to offer.
Revival Ice Cream, one of our original partners, epitomize this ideology sourcing their products locally from the likes of MEarth, a middle school garden sharing the vision with future generations. Revival uses re-usable tasting spoons and sells re-usable stainless steel pints that get you a $2 discount on pint refills. All of their cleaning products are 100% natural as their philosophy includes “living within the resources of the planet without damaging the environment now or in the future.”
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