Posts tagged Big Sur Salts
Our Favorite Tour Partner Collabs

Do you ever walk into a store or a restaurant and recognize a brand you weren’t sure anyone else had ever heard of? That’s how we feel when we find our tour partners showing up in different restaurants, or, even better, working together! The hospitality industry in Monterey Bay is one of the biggest around, and our community loves supporting local businesses. Keep reading to see some of our favorite collaborations!

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6 Health-Forward Food Options to Improve Your Diet

Looking for healthy diet options? Well, even we over here at the Monterey Bay Food Tours are always on the hunt for healthy, locally sourced foods. While we show you some great options and have you taste some farm-to-table favorites on our Old Monterey Food Tour, we also wanted to share some ideas about things you could buy for yourself if you’re looking to make your diet a little healthier.

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Schoch Family Farmstead Gives Us a Taste of Cheese Making

Good cheese, like good wine, comes from years of practice and perfecting the craft, and Schoch Family Farmstead is no exception.

We here at the Monterey Bay Food Tours can’t get enough of the cheese from Schoch Family Farmstead — especially the ones we include on our Old Monterey Food Tour! We’ve learned so much from our partners about the behind-the-scenes production of their wholesale products — like the process of making wine from Comanche Cellars — and we wanted to highlight some of the products and back-of-the-house work from another of our favorite partners.

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